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Kaplan is committed to high standards of health and safety. It is our policy, as a company, to maintain high standards and to encourage our staff to contribute to their own welfare and that of their colleagues and learners. Maintaining a safe and healthy working environment places demands on everyone but the resultant benefits are worth the effort.
Ensuring safety awareness, positive attitudes and continuous improvement in safety performance requires the commitment and active involvement of Directors, Managers and staff at all levels.
Our objectives are, so far as is reasonably practicable, to prevent accidents, resulting in injuries, ill health and/or damage to property, and also to conserve the environment.
Kaplan recognizes its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and related legislation. The company will, in the conduct of its activities and so far as is reasonably practicable:
Protect the health and safety of its employees and others that may be affected by its activities.
Limit adverse effects on the physical environment in which those activities are carried out.
Kaplan recognizes that the skills and energies of its employees are amongst its greatest assets and it has a responsibility to provide for their welfare and equally for its learners, contractors, vendors and visitors. So far as is reasonably practicable, Kaplan will:
Provide and maintain safe working environments and practices that do not constitute risks to health, safety and welfare.
Formulate standards and policies that comply with relevant statutory requirements in respect of health, safety, welfare and the environment, as they affect employees, learners, contractors and the public.
Actively promote a positive health and safety culture through the development of good practice
Safeguard employees, learners and all others from foreseeable hazards with regard to health, safety or the environment, in current processes, practices and working systems.
Ensure that, when new substances, plant, machinery, equipment, processes or premises are introduced, adequate guidance, instruction and supervision are provided for safe methods of work to be developed.
Train employees to be aware of their own responsibilities in respect of health, safety, welfare and environmental matters, and to ensure they actively participate in good practice that leads to the prevention of accidents and occupational and non-occupational injuries and diseases.
Without detracting from the contractor’s own legal responsibility, Kaplan will ensure that contractors are informed of relevant associated risks, have been made aware of safety procedures and are monitored for compliance.
Use where reasonably practicable advice and guidance to promote good health and to avoid occupational and non-occupational injuries and disease.
Establish procedures for monitoring compliance with the safety standards and co-operate with authorities and technical organizations, to ensure policies are kept up to date.
Establish safety forums to maintain effective control of health and safety measures.
Ensure these objectives are fulfilled through auditing activities, either internally, through competent assessors, or by external consultants.
To review and revise this policy and as necessary at regular intervals.
The Centre Managers are responsible for ensuring this policy is applied in the areas for which they are responsible. All employees, at all levels, are required to comply with the requirements of this policy.
Departmental managers have responsibility to ensure all aspects of the company policy on health, safety and welfare at work, rules, processes and procedures are observed and applied at their respective areas of responsibility.
They are to nominate by name a competent person at each location to manage all health, safety and welfare issues.
The above have the responsibility for observing safety policies, rules and procedures and to take reasonable care for their own individual health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their activities.
Every employee has a statutory duty to co-operate with the company policy in the provision and effecting of health and safety at work.
The above are to remain responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of any learners and visitors in their charge whilst they are on company premises and ensure they comply with the company’s health and safety processes and procedures.
The above are not to interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.
Learners and visitors are required to comply with the company’s health and safety processes and procedures and should be registered appropriately at relevant locations reception or appropriate person on their arrival and departure.
Learners and visitors are not to interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety.
Particular implementation tasks include:
Issuing a local safety statement; setting out the detail of how this policy is to be applied to all employees and all other visitors to Kaplan locations.
Allocation of sufficient resources to operate and maintain safe and healthy places of work.
Provision of protective equipment and clothing, as required for particular work areas and activities, and ensuring its proper use.
Ensuring adequate information is clearly displayed on specific hazards applicable to each site. Each site is to have a health and safety folder easily available.
Promotion of effective participation by all employees in joint consultation on health and safety matters.
Provision of adequate fire protection, first aid equipment and health monitoring procedures at all sites.
Actively encourage and take account of feedback on health, safety and environmental issues at the appropriate forums to review and continually improve current policy and procedures.
It is the responsibility of the center manager to access using appropriate guidance on the number of first aid trained personnel need to support the business activities. Training is to be obtained regionally through a recognized provider.
The center manager is to appoint sufficient fire marshals to support the business activities. Training can be provided by the Kaplan fire consultant.
The center manager is to nominate an H&S representative as a focus for all issues. Training is provided by a recognized provider or by the Kaplan consultant.
Each of the Kaplan locations are different by the nature of the diversity of buildings and by the detailed tasks undertaken there.
The center manager is to ensure that all tasks undertaken are considered and a risk assessment carried out if appropriate.
Risk assessments helps you protect your workers, learners and your business, as well as comply with the law. It helps focus on the risks that really matter with the potential to cause real harm.
A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what in your location/work could cause harm to people. The law does not expect that all risk will be eliminated, but it is a requirement to protect people ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’.
Risk assessments will be undertaken by an appointed or nominated person who has been appropriately qualified.
The findings of the risk assessments will be reported to the center manager.
Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by center manager.
The center manager will be responsible for ensuring the action required is implemented.
Assessments will be reviewed annually or when the work activity changes, whichever is sooner. A new assessment will be carried out by an external consultant every 2 years or when there have been significant structural/refurbishments/additions to the space.
Employee representation in the first instance will be the appointment of a nominated representative who is responsible for communicating reminders of current policies and procedures through varied media forms.
Consultation with employees is provided by one to one meetings with their immediate manager, employee meetings and ad-hoc meetings as necessary.
The center manager is responsible for identifying all equipment/plant needing maintenance.
The center manager is responsible for ensuring effective maintenance procedures are drawn up.
The center manager is responsible for ensuring that all identified maintenance is implemented.
Any problems found with the plant/equipment should be reported to the center manager or their nominated representative.
The head of estates will ensure checks are undertaken on all plant and equipment to ensure they meet health and safety standards before it is purchased.
The center manager or their nominated representative will be responsible for identifying all substances which need a COSHH assessment.
The local H&S representative or service contractor will be responsible for undertaking COSHH assessments.
The center manager will be responsible for ensuring that all actions identified in the assessments are implemented.
The center manager or their nominated representative will be responsible for ensuring that all relevant employers are informed about the COSHH assessments.
All and any new substances suggested for use by employees or contractors will be investigated for their suitability and safety before purchased.
Assessments will be reviewed annually or when the work activity changes, whichever is soonest.
Manual handling by the nature of Kaplan’s activities is highlighted as a real risk and all suitable precautions are to be taken.
Centre managers are to ensure all those who may be required to carry or move any item of bulky nature undergoes manual handling training and a record of their attendance kept.
The Health and Safety Law poster is to be displayed in a prominent location for both staff and learners to see.
Health and safety advice is available from a number of sources which are clearly shown on the company H&S intranet.
Supervision of young workers/trainees and work experience is to be undertaken by the center manager and arrangements are to be made specific to that situation.
The center manager is responsible for ensuring that his employees working at locations under the control of other employers are given relevant health and safety information.
Employee induction training will be provided for all employees within a reasonable time when they start their employment. Specific training will be provided for any additional tasks as necessary. In addition refresher training must be considered when skills are not frequently used.
Job specific training must be identified by the center manager and provided accordingly.
Specific jobs requiring special training are:
Training records are to be kept by the center manager.
Training will be arranged and monitored by the company H&S advisor.
Health surveillance for some employees carrying out specific tasks will be required. As a guide by the nature of the specific task there is a higher risk involved, this can be a single task or a repeated task.
Health Surveillance will be arranged by the center manager and records held by them.
First aid boxes are to be kept in a suitable location such as a reception.
First aiders who have undertaken the appropriate training should be easily recognizable by the use of work station identification markers; intranet contacts directory; list on the H&S board.
All accidents and cases of work related ill health are to be recorded in the accident book. The book is to be kept in a suitable location.
The center manager is responsible for reporting accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Company H&S advisor so they can be appropriately reported to the local enforcing authority (HSE).
To check our working conditions, and to ensure our safe working practices are being followed, we will:
The H&S advisor is responsible for investigating accidents
The center manager is responsible for investigating work related causes of sickness absences
The center manager is responsible for acting on investigation findings to prevent a reoccurrence.
The center manager is responsible for ensuring the fire risk assessment is current, in date and implemented.
The center manager should ensure escape routes are checked, potentially by the health and safety representative, to ensure they are clear of obstruction; doors for their operation; and have the correct clear signage. This should be done routinely no less than monthly.
The center manager is to ensure there is a process in place for the maintenance of all the tenant owned fire extinguishers, these should be checked annually by a service engineer. In addition a responsible person should carry out a visual check on all equipment at least once per month. The visual check with ensure the equipment is serviceable, available for use and unobstructed. Promptly reporting any suspected defects or malicious discharges for immediate attention.
Alarms are to be tested weekly, in multi tenanted buildings this should be carried out by the landlords agents, notification of such tests should be clearly displayed at a prominent point for all students and staff to see, and should take place on a consistent day and time.
Emergency evacuation is to be tested every 6 months; only key personnel should be informed of the practice details. A de brief post evacuation should take place with all fire marshals and key personnel to understand any difficulties experienced and to improve the understanding of the responsibilities by those nominated as marshals.
This statement of general policy on health and safety at work and of the organization and arrangements for carrying out The Policy is made under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It is to be brought to the notice of all employees of Kaplan and is to be included in the Employee Handbook.