Studying abroad is a big decision to make, and it’s important that you have all the information you want before you start your journey with us. Our FAQs are divided into categories, and should provide you will answers to all your queries.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact a student advisor.
We work to ensure that you get the level of service that you need. However, there may be times when you are not completely happy with the level of service you are getting. All of us are available for you to talk to at any time and we promise that we will get back to you within 24 hours with a response to your questions. If you are unhappy, we have provided you with a way to seek a solution to the problem.
If you have concerns or worries about your class learning: In the first case talk to your teacher. If you are still unhappy then please talk to the Director of Studies.
If there are concerns regarding the accommodation service we provide then please talk to the Accommodation & Welfare Manager.
If you are unhappy with the way your course has been administered e.g. payments, dates etc. then please talk to the Student Services Manager.
If you are not happy with the answer provided by any of the team then please raise your concerns with the Principal.
If you are still not satisfied with our response, then you may wish to raise your complaint with the professional organization for your destination.
In the UK: English UK
English UK,
219 St. John Street, London
Tel: 020 7608 7960
In Ireland: ACELS
Quality & Qualifications Ireland
26-27 Denzile Lane
Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 9058185
In the USA and Canada:
In the event that you have exercised our formal complaint procedure, and your concern has not been resolved, you have the right and are encouraged to contact our accreditor.